Milí zákazníci, z technických príčin sa v sobotu 8.2.2025 v našej predajni nebude dať platiť kartou ani hotovosťou. Bude možné vyzdvihnúť vopred vyplatené objednávky s osobným odberom.
Clear plastic - Perfect solution for glass-like parts. Durability - Impact and damage resistant. Rich in details - Looks good both on the shelf and on the mat. Easy assembly - Cut and glue the parts with ease!
Box contains:
- Gate of the Sun - Elven Stained Glass - Gate of Might - Elven Pillar - Fountain of Forget - 4 various mushrooms - 2 various thorns - 3 various plants - Place Long Forgotten - Obelisk of Dread - Chainbreaker - Speaking Stone - Creepy Monument - Monolith - Spider Lair - 4 various direction signs - 2 various excavations - Wooden Crane - Stone Horse - 5 various bushes - 4 various spiderwebs - Shaman's Tent - Good Ol' Hut - Legionarre's Tent - Spirit Totem - Vulture on Remains